Monday 18 May 2020

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The Bloggist and his friend, Alfred Jarry, take a walk with Billy Blake and Adrian Henri.
"You know what I saw the other day?"
"No Adrian, why don't you tell us?"
"I saw the daughters of Albion arriving by underground at Central Station and then eating hot Eccles cakes at the Pierhead. They went on to write ‘Billy Blake is Fab’ on a wall in Mathew Street.”
Jarry looks thoughtful, “Ça pourrait être un poème?”.

Friday 8 May 2020

Paul Delvaux and Georgette Berger at the café La Fleur en Papier Doré,

Paul Delvaux sat at the café table with Georgette Berger, “Je me demande ce que René peint?” to which Georgette replied, “Je ne peux pas te dire, wie zal leven zal zien, tu ne crois pas?” Georgette’s little Spitz wanders off, “Où es-tu Lou-Lou? ”. Delvaux looks for Lou-Lou. “René dit que les gens cachent trop bien leurs secrets. Dans les tableaux de René, tout ce que nous voyons cache autre chose. Alleen het beeld telt, het is allemaal poëzie en een gevoel van mysterie. Ah, daar ben je hondje.” Aleksandr Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova join them. Rodchenko lays his glasses on the table.

Sunday 3 May 2020

For Sale!

The Bloggist and his friend, Alfred Jarry, offer for sale a vintage print by the Bloggist from 1976, approximately 175mm x 152mm, for £500.00p or, taking a leaf out of Yves Klein's book, half an ounce of gold.