Saturday 24 November 2018

Mirrors and/or Windows

The Bloggist and his friend, Alfred Jarry, contemplate Northampton’s Cultural Quarter. Recalling John Szarkowski’s pedagogic exhibition in New York in 1978, Mirrors and Windows, where Mr Szarkowski postulates that photographs are either Mirrors or Windows, not Mirrors and Windows as the exhibition title would lead one to believe, the Bloggist quotes Mr Szarkowski’s text, “In metaphorical terms, the photograph is seen either as a mirror--a romantic expression of the photographer's sensibility as it projects itself on the things and sights of this world; or as a window--through which the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality”
Monsieur Jarry points out that Mr Szarkowski does cover himself by saying “No photographer's work could embody with perfect purity either of the two divergent motives; it is the nature of his problem to find a personally satisfactory resolution of the contesting claims of recalcitrant facts and the will to form”.
“I wonder what Michael Snow would say?” asks the Bloggist, “Do you think this is a decisive moment or a ‘fine art’ film?”
“Well, it’s certainly a window”, replies Monsieur Jarry.