Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Ten Belgian Artists

 Berlinde De Bruyckere: Decomposing blankets, horsehides, timber – remnants of Eden.

 Marthe Donas: Abstract and Cubist and invisible – so it goes.

 Adele Renault: Phytophiliac for xerophytes, musaceae and poaceae.

 Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven: Reposition popular imagery to challenge objectification.

Constant Permeke: Greenstone, mudstone, sandstone , shale, earth colours.

James Ensor: Sacrificed to Moloch and the Canaanites, The Entry of Christ into Brussels.

 Thierry De Cordier : “God bestaat niet en toch zit hij in mij. Hoe absurd.”

 Panamarenko: Hardly probable visionary flying machines, Icarus or Daedalus?

 Françoise Taylor: Liège, Bolton, weavers’ ghosts, artists’ hands, “la plus grande distinction”.

 Jakob Smits: Achterbos, light and the inner life, poetic with Calvinist simplicity.