Thursday, 19 November 2015

A stroll on a summer's day by the beach

The Bloggist and his friend, Alfred Jarry, admire an early work by Christo. The Bloggist quotes Susan Sontag, "Aristotle's arguments in defence of art do not really challenge Plato's view that all art is an elaborate trompe l'oeil, and therefore a lie". 

Friday, 6 November 2015

Culm of the Crested Dog's Tail

Thank you Mr Hubbard:
Grasses: a Guide to their Structure, Identification, Uses and Distribution in the British Isles

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Where The Soft Machine Grew

Robert Wyatt, early member of The Soft Machine - the official orchestra of the College of 'Pataphysics - lived in this house in West Dulwich. The house was owned by his mother, Honor Wyatt, who opened the house to the entire band and their girlfriends. Of interest, and also

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Physicists need extraordinary instrumentation

Physicists need extraordinary instrumentation to observe what happens in what may be John Brown because it is believed that John Brown has given each person the ability to know he exists. According to recent research, John Brown may not actually exist. If a tendency to believe in the reality of John Brown is so deeply wired into humanity, the implication is that he must have an evolutionary purpose.