Wednesday, 1 January 2025

The Unilateral Declaration of the Independence of Belgiumium

When in the course of events it becomes necessary to dissolve the bonds which have connected an individual with a nation due to that nation dissolving access to a polity in which the individual is a citizen, and thus reduces that individual’s breadth of citizenship from its former diversity and privileges, then the Laws of ‘Pataphysics entitles that person to assume an independence from that nation. In decent respect to the opinions of others it requires that the individual should also declare the causes which impel the individual to the separation.

It is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that government by those called Prime Ministers in the government of Great Britain, and certain of their Ministers of State, between the years 2010 and 2024 have been responsible for the reversal of progress, development and welfare of the people of Great Britain.

It is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that the people of Great Britain have witnessed a political process under successive Prime Ministers, and certain of their Ministers of State, between the years 2010 and 2024 which is destructive of the precepts upon which the culture and politics of that nation has been built.

It is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that the principles of democracy, responsible government and moral standards, crumble through falsehoods, personal aggrandisement and blatant disregard of truth, as our system of government has rewarded those who are hypocrites, those who lie, cheat, abuse power and engage in misconduct, misbehaviour and dishonesty.

It is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that by the creation of the fear of non-existent threats through misinformation, disinformation, the use of ‘alternative-facts’, through a lack of social and ethical standards, a resulting state of depersonalization, alienation and distrust has arisen in the populus.

I therefore affirm my natural rights as outlined in John Locke's 'Second Treatise on Government' where it is stated:- "...wherever the legislators endeavour to reduce (the people) to slavery ... they put themselves in a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge (of) resistance."

I do hereby seek to exercise my ‘Pataphysic right to withdraw my consent to the notion of the nation of Great Britain. To this end I declare I am an independent nation known as Belgiumium. It is my belief that citizenship of Belgiumium is a right and not a privilege and should be freely available to all. The borders of Belgiumium are circular with a diameter of 15 feet (4.572 meters) centred on the core of each citizen. In this way multiple islands of Belgiumium exist. Borders are not static but dynamic and move to maintain the appropriate distance around the core of each citizen.

This Act is done by my own desire, plagiarised and perfected to please my own senses, almost a manifestation of my very thoughts and accomplished by my own collaged imagination, dated Wednesday 4th Décervelage 152

                           Vivat Belgiumium

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Ten Belgian Artists

 Berlinde De Bruyckere: Decomposing blankets, horsehides, timber – remnants of Eden.

 Marthe Donas: Abstract and Cubist and invisible – so it goes.

 Adele Renault: Phytophiliac for xerophytes, musaceae and poaceae.

 Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven: Reposition popular imagery to challenge objectification.

Constant Permeke: Greenstone, mudstone, sandstone , shale, earth colours.

James Ensor: Sacrificed to Moloch and the Canaanites, The Entry of Christ into Brussels.

 Thierry De Cordier : “God bestaat niet en toch zit hij in mij. Hoe absurd.”

 Panamarenko: Hardly probable visionary flying machines, Icarus or Daedalus?

 Françoise Taylor: Liège, Bolton, weavers’ ghosts, artists’ hands, “la plus grande distinction”.

 Jakob Smits: Achterbos, light and the inner life, poetic with Calvinist simplicity.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Sol LeWitt in Ireland

 The Bloggist and his friend, Alfred Jarry, come across a Sol LeWitt structure, a description he preferred to sculpture, in storage in Galway, Ireland. These elements combine to form a rectangle, a form he decided that was not as satisfactory as a cube. The structure was intended for exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in 2001 but was set aside by him as incompatible with the Wall Drawings he installed. Since his death in 2007 it has been undisturbed in it's present location.

Friday, 30 August 2024

At the Museum of 'Pataphysics

 A new exhibition of Invisible Objects opens at the Museum of 'Pataphysics. 
These items, rarely seen in public, are on loan from the Estate of Dr. Faustroll, 'Pataphysician. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

A Connemara


Walk through a legible remnant,
A repository of archaic knowledge,
A stratum of linguistic culture,
Inscriptions on monuments,
Fragments of statuary,
Chambered cairns inscribed with ciphers,
Orphaned and broken tomb pediments,
A text of gesture, line and ornament,
A great book ripped out by time
Written in moss and Ogham script
Saying care, closeness, protectiveness, affection.
Traveling in the rain and the sun,
Past famine grounds, sepulchres and silent walls,
A landscape strewn with memory.
See Sheela Na Gig in a green lichen,
Vegetation’s biotic motions
Breathing human passion in verdure.
Walk the Atlantic coastline,
Erosion, granite cliffs and bog pits,
Fragmentary, unfinished nature, utopian promise,
The murmur of history, of green ruins,
Bays, inlets, peninsulas, islands and headlands,
Millennia of decaying plant matter,
Waterlogged soil erasing field walls,
Passage, portal, court and wedge tombs
Announce I was here, I am here,
An intangible presence in granite,
Speech emanates from the stones.

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

A Brotchie

 Five units of value, each known as a Brotchie.